Free-range, sustainable eggs from healthy, happy chooks

The first choice for chefs, grocers, and families | Albany WA

“We care for our chooks so they can care for their chicks” – John Gleave


Healthy Chooks

It starts with healthy chickens. High-spec food, the tidiest conditions and plenty of room to roam.


Strong Ethics

Care of the environment and respect for our chickens is at the heart of our business.


Family Business

We understand the value of consistent, reliable service. That’s why we deliver fresh eggs daily.


Every single Albany Farm Fresh egg is laid on our farms, by our chickens. We don’t buy eggs from other producers to sell under our brand. Because of this, we guarantee the freshness, age, and quality of every egg we sell.

Our ethos

A lifetime of experience in free-range farming means we produce delicious, environmentally ethical eggs.


Truly free range

Our small flocks come and go as they please and have constant access to everything healthy chooks need. Things like:

  • Fresh air

  • High-spec food (with added amino acids)

  • Clean water

  • Dust (baths are the ultimate in chook #selfcare)

  • Shade and protection

  • Automatic closing doors at night, VIP perches and shelter from predators

Environmentally ethical

On our Cranbrook farm, we’ve got nine state-of-the-art moveable sheds. Each flock has a shed on virgin ground, which means the land has a chance to recover.  This rotating pasture method is egg-cellent for the chooks — and it reduces mineral deposits on the land, too.


Healthy, happy chooks

Each flock calls their patch home for about 60 weeks. After that, we disinfect the sheds and move them to a different part of our 108-hectare farm. The freedom to move and the clean environment makes our chooks feel great. That’s why they lay thousands of eggs each day.

Cracking benefits

  • Virgin ground: moving our sheds means that our chooks don’t pick up germs from previous flocks

  • No chemicals: our chooks don’t get lice or mites

  • Better hygiene: access to dust and clean conditions mean our birds stay healthy and happy

  • No antibiotics: our high hygiene standards mean our birds stay healthy, naturally

As seen on

Egg-ceptional care of our flock and the environment

As lifelong farmers, there is nothing more important to us than the health of our birds and our land. We go above and beyond to provide the best possible environment for our chickens — and they thank us by laying thousands of big, tasty eggs each day.

Our daily deliveries mean you often end up with eggs that were laid within the last 24 hours by our busy, chirpy chooks.